Beware of Scams
We routinely receive reports about various scam attempts targeting customers. Be suspicious of any emails and/or phone calls that claim to be urgent and require immediate action to prevent shut-off of any of your utility services. If your account is past due, we attempt to notify you prior to disconnection in the following ways:
- Monthly bill mailed or emailed to a customer advising the balance is "Due Upon Receipt."
- Final Notice mailed to customer's service address or alternate mailing address if provided to CVWD.
We may attempt to call or email you to prevent disconnection, but only after the Final Notice has been sent. We will not require payment by prepaid debit card or request payment be made at a non-CVWD authorized location.
Common scams
Threat to disconnect
Request for prepaid debit card info
Phony bank account
Overpayment trick
Home improvement con
Smishing scam
Bogus bills
3 steps to help protect yourself from scams
Scammers who pretend to be utility employees exploit the trust customers place in CVWD. Following these three basic steps can help you fight back against scammers' constantly changing tactics.
1 - Safeguard information
Don't give out personal information (Social Security number, date of birth) or financial information (bank account numbers, debit or credit card information) to unexpected callers or visitors to your home or business claiming to represent CVWD.
2 - Ask questions
Ask the person to provide you with details such as your account number, your last payment amount, date of payment, and their employee identification number.
3 - Call us
Call our main Customer Service number 818-248-3925 (the same number provided on your bill and on our website), to verify the person's identity and payment or billing information.