Bill Assistance Program

What is the CVWD Bill Assistance Program?

A residential customer of the District who resides on the property and who is the named accountholder on the records of the District is eligible for a 25 percent discount on the combined bill for water (Up to 26 Units), wastewater and/or wastewater standby charges.


This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice and is provided to qualified customers on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are no longer available.


Are You Eligible for a Discount?

If you meet the following criteria, you could be eligible for the Bill Assistance Program


  • The named accountholder on record at the District
  • You must meet either of the following conditions:
    • If you or any dependent of your household receives benefits from any of these programs (you must provide documentation showing benefits):
      • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
      • CalFresh (Food Stamps)
      • CalWORKs (TANF)/ Tribal TANF
      • Head Start Income Eligible (Tribal Only)
      • CARE Program (Gas Company or SCE)
      • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIFEAP)
      • Medi-Cal/Medicaid
      • Medi-Cal for Families
      • National School Lunch Program
      • California Lifeline (Phone Company)
      • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
      • Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
    • Total income for all members in the household meets the guidelines listed below. "Income" means all income received in the prior calendar year, including but not limited to social security, interest income, salaries, wages, pensions, rents, commissions, and capital gains.  Proof of total household income includes federal and state income tax returns for the prior year, or if no tax return was filed, other proof of total household income satisfactory to the District.



Household Size

Income Eligibility Upper Limit















Each Additional Person



* Information is based on federal poverty guidelines and updated annually on July 1.


How to Apply

To apply for the Bill Assistance program, download the application here, fill in the application, and submit it online with any required documents or email it to along with any required documents. If you would like an application mailed to you, please call 818-248-3925


This program may be modified or terminated without prior notice and is provided to qualified customers on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are no longer available.

** Please note: 3rd-party cookies must be enabled for this form to work properly.


1. Customer Information
2. Other Residents Living in the Home
3. Public Assistance Programs Benefits Received

If you, or someone in your household, receives benefits from any of the programs listed below, please check the box and provide a current copy of your Verification of Benefits Letter or other proof of enrollment for programs checked. If you checked one of the boxes below, Skip section 4 & 5 and go to Section 6. If NONE of the below abpply to you, please complete Section 4 below.

4. Source of Income (Skip if you completed Section 3)

Please check the appropriate box for all sources of income for all persons in your household and provide copies of current documents for all sources checked below. Read page 2 for more information.

5. Household Income (Please fill in the total household income)

See table above for income eligibility guidelines

6. Upload your documentation
7. Signature and Declaration

I certify under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided is true and correct. I agree to inform CVWD within 30 days if I no longer qualify to receive the discount. I understand that if I received this discount without qualifying for it, I may be required to pay back the discount I received.

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