Information for Builders & Developers

New Meter, New Fire Hydrant, New Fire Service, Will-Serve Letters (water and sewer connection) - Fill out the form below

WATER SYSTEM CONNECTION FEE: Under Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) Rules and Regulations, Section 8.04:

A. General Provisions: A connection fee shall be imposed upon all properties as a condition of new development to provide the District with funds to cover an equitable portion of investment in existing water system infrastructure and projected capital costs for water system improvements.

B. Fee: The Water System Connection Fee shall be determined and levied as set forth in Appendix E for each dwelling unit or equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) which exceeds the existing EDU factor of the property. The fee consists of a component considered reimbursement for existing infrastructure (Book Value) and a component for future capacity (CIP). The fee does not include construction of mains, water service laterals or other physical work associated with the property.


SEWER SYSTEM CONNECTION FEE: Under Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) Rules and Regulations, Section 9.06:

A. General Provisions: The District created and confirmed two assessment districts (79-1 and 79-2) in 1979 for the purpose of acquiring sewage treatment and disposal capacity as well as constructing sanitary sewers. A connection fee shall be imposed upon properties not originally assessed or that change use from that for which they were originally assessed. As part of the fee, the District will collect an Amalgamated System Sewerage Facilities Charge (ASSFC) on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. The ASSFC shall be imposed on new development, modified development, changes in land use, and increases in discharge for any current or proposed connection to the District’s wastewater collection system.

B. Fees: The Sewer System Connection Fee shall be determined and levied as set forth in Appendix H for each dwelling unit or equivalent dwelling unit which exceeds the equivalent dwelling units for which the property was originally or most recently assessed. The fee consists of a District component and a City of Los Angeles (ASSFC) component. The District component is considered reimbursement for capital costs paid by District Customers for construction of the District’s wastewater collection system. The fee does not include construction of mains, laterals or other physical work associated with the property.

The ASSFC shall be collected by the District based on methodology used by the City of Los Angeles. Said methodology utilizes standard flow and strength sewage generating factors for various categories of development and a centroidal conveyance distance to Los Angeles’ sewer facilities. A table of current sewage generating factors and sample ASSFC calculation spreadsheet are included in Appendix H. The ASSFC shall be based on the charge rates in effect at the time of building permit issuance. A 10% administration fee shall also be imposed by the District for processing the ASSFC.


Submit the following supporting documents for will-serve letter requests:

    1. Architectural plans and title sheet that include the following information: the scope of work, the square footage of the existing lot and structures, and the proposed construction with dimensions. 
    2. Screenshot of the permit summary that includes the following information: scope of work, square footage, and verification of initial assessment.
      • City of La Crescenta: Screenshot of the Summary tab in the EPIC-LA portal to show that plans have passed Building Completeness Check.
      • City of Glendale: Screenshot of the Reviews tab in the Glendale Permits portal to show that plans have reached CVWD submittal requirement.
      • City of La Cañada Flintridge: Screenshot of the Summary tab in the Connect LCF portal to show that plans have passed Review Intake for Completeness.
    3. Completed Cross-Connection Survey form 

Submit the following supporting document for new water and fire service requests: 

    1. Completed Cross-Connection Survey form 

Our team will review the survey responses, and if it is determined that a backflow test is required, then the following document will need to be submitted as well:

2. Completed Backflow Prevention Assembly Test Report Form completed by a County of Los Angeles Public Health certified tester or an AWWA Certified Tester. For more information on backflow, refer to the Cross-Connection Control page


An example of the permit summary screenshot below. If you need help locating the requested information, contact your point of contact for the City of Glendale or La Cañada Flintridge and request a screenshot of the permit summary that confirms the scope of work and square footage. 

A representative from the Engineering Department will contact you within 1 to 2 business days.

Water and sewer clearances and cost estimates for new hydrants, fire services, meters, and meter upgrades are processed within 3 to 4 weeks from the day your request is submitted with the required supporting documents. Please allow 8 to 12 weeks for service installation after the cost estimate (deposit) is paid in full.

***Permitting can take up to 4 weeks. If your project is in the City of Glendale, please allow extra time for permitting.***

*Please note: 3rd-party cookies must be enabled for this form to work properly.*

An appointment is required for payment. Call or email your CVWD point of contact to schedule an appointment.


Project Address
Owner Information
Mailing Address (if different than above)
Contractor or Designer Information
Type of Request

(Water & Sewer Availability, Static Water Pressure, New Fire Hydrant, New Fire Service, New Meter, etc.)

LA County Plan Check Contact
Upload your Files

(Floor plan, LA County Check list, etc.) Please limit your total file size to 10MB. If your files are larger, please contact us for alternate delivery methods.

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