Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

In response to federal mandates in the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-390), CVWD applied for and was awarded a planning grant funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). During this process, residents and officials from neighboring agencies will be asked to contribute by sharing local knowledge of the area’s vulnerability to hazards and by suggesting ways the district can mitigate disasters. CVWD also formed a steering committee made up of local stakeholders, who oversaw the plan’s development and outreach. The committee will meet on a monthly basis for approximately seven months and meetings are open to the public.

Crescenta Valley Water District - Hazard Mitigation Plan - Agency Final Report -

November 19, 2021

Goals & Objectives

Six goals were set for the District’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan are listed below:

1. Protect life and property

2. Maintain continuity of essential water and sewer services

3. Increase public awareness of the risk of loss of water/sewer service

4. Facilitate partnerships with recognized stakeholders within the Crescenta Valley and implement a coordination plan between the stakeholders

5. Protect local water supply sources

6. Protect against environmental consequences caused by water and sewer system failure initiated by natural hazards

The Steering Committee members identified the following plan objectives:

1. Implement activities that assist in protecting lives by making CVWD’s infrastructure, critical facilities, and other properties more resistant to natural hazards

2. Protect water quality and supply

3. Properly address aging infrastructure issues to reduce/minimize future hazards and disasters

4. Raise awareness and communicate to the Crescenta Valley Community about the risks to District assets

5. Leverage grant funding and low interest loan programs to implement hazard mitigation capital projects

6. Establish policies to ensure mitigation projects are prioritized for critical facilities, services, and infrastructure

7. Create, rehabilitate, enhance, and preserve local ecosystems to serve as natural hazard mitigation functions

Mission Statement

To provide quality water and wastewater services to the Crescenta Valley community in a dependable and economically responsible manner.



Secure sustainable water supplies and ensure infrastructure reliability, while furthering our commitment to accountability, transparency, and cost-effectiveness.

Seeking Public Comment for CVWD's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) -

July 13, 2021 - July 27, 2021

Crescenta Valley Water District is seeking Public Comment for its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The Public Comments will help CVWD become better prepared for a wildfire or earthquake event. The LHMP is available below, as well at CVWD’s main office located at 2700 Foothill Boulevard.


CVWD will incorporate the comments gathered from the CV Community, local agencies, and other stakeholders into the Final Plan submitted to Cal OES and FEMA. Comments may be submitted to jbautista@cvwd.com or below in the questions, comments, or concerns form.

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Public Meeting Presentation - April 21, 2021

Seeking Public Comment

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Presentation to Crescenta Valley Town Council - April 15, 2021


Steering Committee

James Bodnar Board Member, Crescenta Valley Water District
Sharon Raghavachary Board Member, Crescenta Valley Water District
Harry Leon President, Crescenta Valley Town Council
Paul Dutton CERT Program, Dutton Real Estate
Ken Herman District Engineer, Foothill Municipal Water District
Doug Caister General Manager, La Cañada Irrigation District
Shahan Atmajian EOC Coordinator, City of La Canada Flintridge – Public Safety
Brian Hodge President, Crescenta Valley Fire Safe Council
Michael De Ghetto Assistant General Manager, Glendale Water and Power
Lisa Naslund Los Angeles County Public Work - Building Safety
Loni Eazell Los Angeles County - PW Disaster Services Group
Dan Hardgrove Deputy Director of Public Works/Field Services, City of Glendale, Public Works
David Weeshoff San Fernando Valley Audubon Society Conservation Chair

Steering Committee Ground Rules

Core Planning Team

Rob Flaner Hazard Mitigation Program Manager, Tetra Tech, Inc.
Desmian Alexander Profiling Lead and Junior Planner, Tetra Tech, Inc.
Bart Spencer Lead Project Planner, Tetra Tech, Inc.
Carol Baumann Risk Analyst/Assessment Lead, Tetra Tech, Inc.

David Gould

Brook Yared

Director of Engineering, Crescenta Valley Water District

Engineering Manager, Crescenta Valley Water District

Nem Ochoa General Manager, Crescenta Valley Water District
Colby Christy Regulatory and Public Affairs Manager, Crescenta Valley Water District
James Lee Director of Finance and Administration, Crescenta Valley Water District
Jennifer Bautista Project Coordinator, Crescenta Valley Water District
John Robinson Grant Administrator, John Robinson Consulting, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan?

A hazard mitigation plan looks at the areas various hazards such as earthquakes, wildfire, and floods and their associated risks and attempts to implement actions to prevent, reduce, or minimize their impact to the community. 

Why does CVWD need a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan?

In addition to the above answer, it also positions the District to be eligible for hazard mitigation grant funding and recovery dollars

Background – Add FEMA & Cal OES references
Major Goals of the LHMP
  • Identify hazards 
  • Identify potential risks 
  • Develop action items (projects, policies, plans) to minimize, reduce or eliminate impact from the hazards
What Hazards are being considered?
  • Earthquake
  • Severe weather
  • Wildfire 
  • Landslide 
Date Meeting Agenda Minutes Documents Packet
Dec 16, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting No. 3 AgendaMinutes
Nov 18, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting No. 2 AgendaMinutes
Oct 23, 2020 Steering Committee Meeting No. 1 AgendaMinutes

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please submit them using the form below.


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