Updated Property Tax Roll Information

Updated Property Tax Roll Information
After 8 public meetings over the last 13 months, Crescenta Valley Water District’s Board of Directors voted unanimously on June 13, 2023, to place a charge on the property roll. This charge will help replace aging infrastructure, provide water to fire services and residents in case of emergency, and generally invest in a safe and reliable future water supply.
Public benefits such as schools, libraries, vector control, flood control, parks and recreation, etc., are commonly funded in part through the annual property roll that property owners receive.
In addition, CVWD’s Board meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Meetings are open to the public, are accessible virtually, and meeting agendas are available online in advance of the meeting on our Board Agendas Information page.
Please check back for updates.

Property Tax Roll Capital Charge Calculator
All meters except Fire Service Meters
Accountholders not billed through the property tax roll will receive a separate annual invoice.
(Charges will appear on property owner tax bills)
Meter Size | Adopeted Rates | Implemented for FY 204 |
3/4" | $404.30 | $194.06 |
Fire Service Meters
(Charges will appear on property owner tax bills)
Meter Size | Number of Meters | Fire Pipeline Rate | Adobpted Rates | Implemented for FY 2024 |
1" | 1 | 1 | $6.93 | $3.32 |